Central Texas Council of Governments region is in Central Texas and consists of seven (7) counties and thirty-two (32) cities with a total population of 465,766. Population projections for the year 2045 show that the region is likely to continue to grow over the next twenty to thirty years and is expected to reach 746,827 people. The area is ripe for growth and development, with easy access to major highways, freight lines and international airports. The Region is home to major employers such as Fort Hood Army Base, Baylor Scott & White Medical Facilities, Walmart Distribution Center, McLane Company Inc. and Wilson Art International.
The Region has a young workforce with the median age of 31.4. With multiple colleges in our Region, such as Central Texas College, Temple College, Texas A&M Central Texas and University of Mary Hardin Baylor, we have an educated workforce with 21.12% attaining their bachelor’s degree or higher. The Region shows a median income of $49,237.
Economic Facts
Occupations, Wages and Growth
Occupations were ranked by analyzing three factors: number employed, five-year growth, and average annual wages. The top 20 occupations, as ranked, are shown here. Note that not all industries are represented – this is a snapshot of the most numerous, growing, and well-paid occupations from a list of 460 SOC job fields, grouped by industry, across the Killeen-Temple MSA. See the Bureau of Labor Statistics for a complete explanation of the Standardized Occupation Codes (SOC).

Occupations Snapshot
The number of jobs has grown in the Central Texas area, but some occupations are more numerous and widespread. This snapshot shows employment across a number of occupational fields at the end of 2016.

Housing Market Analysis
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development recently completed a thorough analysis of housing and economic trends in our area. The Killeen-Temple Housing Market Area (HMA) is identical to the Killeen-Temple, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and contains three of the seven counties in the CTCOG region.
According to the report “Economic conditions in the Killeen-Temple HMA continue to strengthen.” Positive indicators include an increase in new and existing home sales, and increased employment numbers. Fort Hood contributes to that growth – they are the single largest employer in the region with 35,500 service-members and 5,600 civilian employees. The Texas Comptroller has estimated that Fort Hood has a statewide economic impact of $35.4 billion every year.
Construction spending is also on the rise: “In addition to the military construction projects, increased multifamily construction and road-widening projects along U.S. Highway 190 and Interstate 35 have also contributed to accelerated growth in the sector since 2015.”
Source: JobsEQ and American Community Survey