The Public Safety Radio Basics 101 (Course #5109) (Online Only)

The Public Safety Radio Basics 101 (Course #5109) (Online Only)
  • Select 'Register' below to register at TCOLE website
     November 3, 2024 - November 3, 2025
     12:00 am - 11:55 pm

The Public Safety Radio Basics 101 is an on-line course which provides general information on the various
types of public safety radio systems, radio terminology and interoperability. Land mobile radio systems
are an integral part of a complex system of public safety communications functions and capabilities.
Every day dedicated public safety personnel risk their lives to make our communities safe and secure.
The job of emergency responders at every level of government—whether it be federal, state, local, tribal,
or territorial—is to respond to and manage incidents. The emergency response mission requires timely
decision-making and coordination. This course benefits anyone working with public safety
communications such as First Responders, Command Staff, Elected Officials, Policy Makers, Incident
Command, Emergency Management Personnel, IT support Staff, and Grant Writers. Once the course is
completed, the exam will be available. Upon passing the exam, a TCOLE certificate will be provided.

The steps for personnel to complete the course are:

1. Personnel will have to set up a MyTCOLE 3.0 account if they don’t already have one.
Link –
2. If personnel work for an agency that has TCLEDDS access, the agency’s training office can
request a PID through TCLEDDS, which is submitted electronically.
3. If personnel work for an agency that does not have TCLEDDS access, their agency will need to
fill out a C-1 form, which can be found on the TCOLE website,
AGF_06.001_PID_Assignemnt_01.28.2022.pdf ( C-1’s can be submitted online via
TCLEDD’s or by mail.
4. At this time, the course is not available to disciplines and agencies not served by TCLEDDS.
5. The Public Safety Radio Basics 101 Course is located on My TCOLE 3.0 website:
6. Complete all 9 modules of the course. Modules can be stopped and restarted as needed.
7. Once completed, the exam will be available. A grade of 70% is needed to pass the exam and 4
hours of Continuing Education credit will be granted.
8. Upon passing the exam, the certificate should be available right away and it will be reported to
your training record. Sometimes this can take 24-48 hours, but it is automatic. Please allow 30
days for reporting. If it hasn’t been reported after 30 days, please contact TCOLE customer
9. If you have any questions or need assistance with this course, please contact the Texas SWIC
Office via email

Current Registrants:

    Registration is at an external URL for this event.