Cardiac Emergency Communications #786-Feb. 2025

Cardiac Emergency Communications #786-Feb. 2025
  • Belton TX (Mandated 9/23-8/25)
     February 20, 2025
     1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Event Phone: 254-770-2367

Mandated for Telecommunicators in current 2-year training cycle 9/23-8/25. 

Designed to meet the legislative mandate in HB 786 passed by the 87th Texas Legislature that amends Texas Occupations Code Chapter 1701. Cardiac Emergency Communication is designed to teach all telecommunicators how to identify when cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is needed and how to talk a caller through the process. In order to do this, a telecommunicator must first be certified in CPR training. This course does not certify a telecommunicator in CPR. Cardiac Emergency Communication meets the legislative mandate and continuing education requirements to ensure all telecommunicators are trained in responding to a caller in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA).

The Course is a comprehensive telecommunicator CPR cognitive course focusing on the core competencies of telecommunicators in their role as first responders in a cardiac arrest emergency. T-CPR is derived from the nationally recognized, evidence-based 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC), the official resuscitation guidelines used by all other training providers.

The curriculum focuses on the 5 core competencies telecommunicators must possess in their role as first responders in a cardiac arrest emergency:

1. Understanding the First 600 Seconds

2. Identifying Cardiac Arrest

3. Coaching High-Quality CPR

4. Caller Management

5. Special Circumstances in Resuscitation


Who should attend: Students must be licensed telecommunicators,

Students must have a you must have a current, nationally recognized CPR certification.
o This includes, but is not limited to, courses from the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross. 

o The student must present a current and valid certificate to the training provider in order to attend the class.

Class will be taught by Shielded Hearts CPR, and reported for TCOLE credit by CTCOG.


Lunch will not be provided.

Current Registrants:

  • Rebecca Cooley
  • Sara Fox
  • Jamesia Moody
  • Amanda Obey
  • Naomi Pfeifer
  • Serenity Beechler
  • Karla Badillo
  • Ernest ODell
  • Michael Suniga
  • Julie Salazar
  • Tiffany Baird
  • Jadyn Deweese
  • Andrew Carpenter
  • LaDonna Faber
  • Alisha Munsey
  • Angela Pate
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Venue Phone: 254-770-2200

Venue Website:

2180 North Main Street, Belton, Texas, 76513

