What to do if your GPS sends you to the wrong address?

Do you have problems with the GPS in your car sending you to the wrong location? Do your friends complain about finding your address? Believe it or not, the problem is usually the map data built into the device, not with the actual device. When you punch in an address, the device tries to code that address into the map. That could be a map built into your Garmin unit, or in the case of online tools like Google Maps, with the maps stored on their server.


Now, you can get help with addresses that don’t plot correctly. Go to http://www.gps.gov/support/user/mapfix/ to submit a correction request. This government website will walk you through the process in plain simple language to make corrections with commercial map providers like TomTom, Garmin, or Google, as well as Android phones. There is a wealth of other information about how the GPS system works, news, and frequently asked questions.