Event Phone: 254-770-2367 Covering the bills passed in the 88th legislative session, which affect most peace officers of the State of Texas. Topics to be covered in this course include changes to TCOLE...
More infoExpired Expired Intermediate Crime Scene Investigation #2106 (Coryell)
Event Phone: 254-865-7201 Ext. 515 The Coryell County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting the Intermediate Crime Scene Investigation course starting Monday, January 29, 2024, through Friday, February 5, 2024...
More infoExpired Expired Sex Offender Registration Training
Conducted by Texas Dept of Public Safety, this course provides detailed instruction on completing the process required for sex offender registration, as well as a review of the responsibilities of (more…)...
More infoExpired Expired Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement
Event Phone: 254-831-6900 ARIDE bridges the gap between the SFST and DEC/DRE programs, providing officers with general knowledge related to drug impairment and promoting the use of DREs. Officers are trained...
More infoExpired Expired Mental Health Officer #4201 (Coryell) Repeat Offerings 2024
Event Phone: 254-298-7045 *Required for MHO certification. One requirement to certify currently TCOLE appointed jailers, peace officers, and Justices of Peace to be a resource for other officers or agencies...
More infoExpired Expired SAFVIC Human Trafficking (Hutto)
Event Phone: 1-800-848-2088 The 8-hour SAFVIC – Human Trafficking curriculum satisfies the TCOLE mandated training courses Human Trafficking (TCOLE #3270) and Advanced Human Trafficking (TCOLE #3271)...
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