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2024-25 HHW Event Information (click button below)!

Click flyer below for Fall 2024 / Spring 2025 event schedule

2024-25 HHW Events

Next Event Information!

Specific information for each event will be posted as we approach those dates.

March 14-15 – Bell County Scrap Tire Event

Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC)

CTCOG maintains the region’s Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC), whose primary responsibility is coordinating and guiding implementation of the CTCOG Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (RSWMP). Other SWAC responsibilities and tasks include:

  • Serve as regional clearinghouse to provide input, review, comment, and explanatory functions to the CTCOG Executive Committee during the development and implementation of regional and local plans.
  • Evaluate and select project applications for CTCOG’s annual Solid Waste Grants Program call.
  • Discuss and address local solid waste issues in the CTCOG region
  • Perform other tasks as directed by the CTCOG Executive Committee

Membership and Bylaws

The SWAC is comprised of city and county representation along with representatives from the solid waste industry, private sector, general public, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The committee elects a chair, vice chair, and second vice chair every two years.

Click the buttons below to see who currently serves on the committee and to read the committee’s bylaws.

Current SWAC MembersSWAC Bylaws


The SWAC meets at least twice a year, usually once in the Spring and once in the Fall. Other meetings may be held as necessary. All meetings are open to the public.

Click the button below for upcoming meeting details.

SWAC Meetings

Regional Solid Waste Plan

The Central Texas Council of Governments’ Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (RSWMP): 2022-2042 was developed in order to satisfy the requirements of §363.062 of the Texas Health and Safety Code which stipulates that each COG develop a regional solid waste management plan that conforms to the state solid waste management plan.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has dictated that the Regional Plan must serve as guidelines for four primary purposes:  Permitting Decisions, Establishing Grant Funds, Local and Subregional Planning, and Directing Regional Activities.

TCEQ approved the 2022-2042 CTCOG RSWMP on July 19, 2023. The plan is effective as of August 10, 2023.

CTCOG Regional Solid Waste Plan (2022-2042)Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) Meetings

Closed Landfill Inventory:

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events

The next Household Hazardous Waste Event has not been scheduled yet. Check back here in the fall.

Our events are open to all residents of Bell, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Milam, Mills, and San Saba counties. Participants will be asked to complete a very brief survey.

What can be dropped off?

Accepting paints, automobile batteries, motor oil, antifreeze, household cleaners, household chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, flammables, corrosives, medications, and other hazardous household products.  Electronics and appliances are event specific. Tires are also event specific and fees may be charged depending on the amount of tires you bring. This collection is for household items only. Large quantities from businesses, farms, or commercial operations will not be accepted.

Prohibited Items

Infectious and medical wastes, biological and radioactive materials, compressed gas cylinders, ammunition, smoke detectors, and explosives. No exceptions!

For more information, contact the Central Texas Council of Governments at 254-770-2363. This is a free service! Please utilize this opportunity to keep these hazards out of our waterways and natural environment.

Please Note

Information provided may change depending upon the contractors working the event. PLEASE REFER TO SPECIFIC EVENT FLYERS FOR THE MOST ACCURATE INFORMATION.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I dispose of latex or oil-based paint?

The best thing you can do is wait until a household hazardous waste collection event.  If this is just not possible, you have a few options.

Many organizations will take leftover, unwanted paint if it is in good condition.  Try contacting community theatre organizations, school drama departments, charities, schools, places of worship, nonprofits, and other agencies in your area for reuse in remodeling, set design and other applications. Habitat for Humanity will also accept paint donations.  Just be sure to call first to find out if they have any restrictions.

If you live in Belton, Lampasas County, or Milam County you may be able to use a service through Waste Management called At Your Door.  Please know that this service is limited.

Fort Hood residents, employees, and family members may utilize the HHW drop off center located on the corner of 37th and North Ave, Building #1348, Monday through Friday from 07:30 to 16:30. For more information on the household hazardous turn in facility please contact the collection center at (254)-288-7627.

The Williamson County Recycle Center will accept many different types of HHW; however, you will have to pay a small fee.  An example of prices can be found here.  Their hours are limited, so be sure and call them for more information (512)-864-3240.

As a last resort, latex paints may be thrown in your household trash once the paint has dried.  OIL BASED PAINTS MUST NEVER BE DISPOSED OF IN THE TRASH–EVEN IF THE PAINT IS DRY. To dry latex paint simply stir in plain kitty litter and let it harden for an hour or more.

It is always best to only buy what you need.  Try using these paint calculators to estimate the amount of paint you will need for your next job.  Interior Paint Calculator    Exterior Paint Calculator

Where can I dispose of used motor oil?

Texas law prohibits dumping motor oil on land or into sewers or waterways.  (Remember, storm drains flow directly to the nearest rivers, lakes, creeks, and streams.  They DO NOT flow to the waste water treatment plant).  Applying oil as a dust suppressant is also illegal.  Texas has also banned used oil filters from being placed in or accepted for disposal in landfills.

Ignoring these laws can have dire consequences.  Illegal oil dumping poses numerous known hazards to both humans and wildlife.  Depending on the location and extent of the dumping, oil can contaminate the food and water supply in an area and affect wildlife and humans for years to come.

Two hundred million gallons of used oil are improperly disposed of each year.  ONE GALLON of used oil can contaminate ONE MILLION GALLONS of fresh water–a year’s supply for 50 people.  Recycling just two gallons of motor oil can produce enough energy to power the average Texas home for one day.  Whenever you change your oil or other vehicle fluids at home, make sure you recycle them.

RECYCLING USED OIL IS EASY!!  Simply go to this website http://search.earth911.com/american-petroleum-institute.php and enter your zipcode and the material you are interested in recycling, and it will pull up a list of places where automotive fluids can be disposed of properly.

The Williamson County Recycle Center will accepted used oil for a small fee.  Please to go their webpage for more information.

If you live in Killeen, you may dispose of engine oil, hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid, gear oil, and rear end oil at one of the three waste oil collection sites.

  1. Transfer Station, SH 195
  2. Killeen Recycling Center, 111 East Avenue F
  3. Killeen Municipal Airport, Airport Drive

These sites are for individuals only.  Material from commercial businesses or industry will not be accepted. The following limitations apply:

  • Not more than five (5) gallons per customer is accepted at a time.
  • Materials not accepted for disposal are brake fluid, contaminated oil, pesticides, gasoline, fertilizers, grease, and antifreeze.  Antifreeze is accepted at the Killeen Recycling Center.
  • Oil filters are accepted at the Killeen Recycling Center and the Solid Waste Transfer Station

Please go to this website for information or call (254)-501-7785.

Temple residents can drop off their used oil and oil filters at the facility located at 3219 Bulls Eye Lane, Temple, TX 76501.  Call (254)-298-5725 or visit http://www.ci.temple.tx.us/1472/Recycling for more information.

Funding Assistance

If your community is seeking grant funding to assist with a solid waste-related event, please see the links below for possible options:

Keep Texas Beautiful Grants

Waste Management Charitable Giving

Republic Services Charitable Giving

EPA Brownfields Funding