The CTCOG has various items/services that may need to be purchased during the year. For items/services over $500 it is necessary for the CTCOG to retrieve three phone quotes. For items/services over $25,000 in the aggregate, it is necessary for the CTCOG to formally procure through a request for proposals. Consultant services do not require or prohibit the use of competitive bidding procedures.

If you are interested in being placed on the CTCOG vendor list, please complete the Vendor Application. In the event there are any current formal procurements, that information and relative documentation will be listed below as well.

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Request for Proposals

2024-2025 Air Quality Services - Ambient Monitoring

RFP Opening Information

All RFPs received by the submission deadline will be opened on a virtual meeting at 2:30pm CT on Monday, May 13, 2024. Once all RFPs have been opened the meeting will end, please see the RFP for additional information on when a response will be provided to all Proposers.

The virtual meeting will be conducted on the GoTo meeting platform. Access information is provided below.


Call in Number: 571-317-3112

Access Code: 744-795-413

Email if you have any questions.

2024-2025 Air Quality Services – Ambient Monitoring RFP Q&A

1. Please provide a list of the specific instruments/equipment at the existing station. Does CTCOG have any other equipment that we may incorporate in the new station?

A: No, CTCOG does not have any equipment available for the new station.

2. Does the existing station include meteorological equipment (tower, wind monitor, rain gauge, and grounding kit, etc.)

A: Yes, the existing station has all necessary meteorological equipment already.

3. Should we include costs for meteorological equipment for the proposed new station?

A: If meteorological equipment is necessary for the new station in your proposal then yes please provide estimated costs to acquire that equipment.

4. Would there be a preference between real-time hourly VOC data or weekly 24-hour samples through canister analysis?

A: No preference.

5. What is the desired start date for the air monitoring?

A: As soon as a contract can be executed with the selected proposer.

6. What is the anticipated end date for the air monitoring?

A: All air monitoring data collection must be completed by November 30, 2025. Decommissioning or storing equipment and the creation of final reports can take place after this date.

7. Are considerations such as procurement of electrical utilities and land leases expected to be part of the project scope? Additionally, would the consultant encompass responsibilities such as establishing site security, such as the installation of fencing around an air monitoring station?

A: CTCOG will work with the selected proposer on the procurement of electrical utilities and land leases as required by the project scope. If security is necessary then yes the consultant would need to be responsible for that.

8. Regarding the creation of an air monitoring station, is it expected that the contractor will propose all necessary materials, including air monitoring shelters and hardware?

A: Yes.

9. Is there a requirement for annual Quality Assurance audits for sensors and analyzers?

A: The selected consultant will be required to develop and submit a level III Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) to CTCOG and TCEQ for approval as part of the project.

10. Could you provide clarification on what constitutes a mobile air monitoring program? For example, is it defined as a site that can be easily relocated, or an air monitoring van that takes measurements while being driven around an area?

A: CTCOG does not have a specific idea in mind for the mobile air monitoring program. Both of the examples provided, if feasible, would most likely meet the idea.

11. Are monthly or annual reports anticipated to be submitted during the reported period?

A: Yes, CTCOG will be expecting the successful proposer to submit monthly reports and financial invoices for work conducted. In addition, CTCOG is expecting the successful proposer to create a final report at the end of the project summarizing work completed, summary of data collected, what the collected data says, etc.

12. Is there a need for data validation of the collected air quality data?

A: Yes.

13. Will the contractor be responsible for providing database management and data storage services?

A: If necessary, yes the contractor will be responsible for these services.

14. What equipment, if any, is currently installed at the Holland location?

A: The Holland location has all equipment necessary to collect meteorological and nitrogen oxide data.

15. Is there a requirement for monitoring meteorological parameters?

A: Yes, unless that is not needed for the proposed approach.

16. Will the contractor be responsible for monthly data communication services, such as cellular bills?

A: If the bills are connected to the collection of data then yes.

17. Does CTCOG have a preference between purchasing or leasing equipment?

A: Purchasing equipment is preferred, but not required, so that future air monitoring work can be conducted.

18. Is there a requirement for decommissioning the air monitoring equipment at the end of the monitoring period?

A: Yes.